Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Camera Wrap

Japan is a wrapping nation.  Wrapping - with the "w."  The furoshiki, a simple square piece of soft fabric, is still used to wrap anything of any size.  When Japanese store clerks wrap a gift you've bought, they place the box diagonally on the wrapping paper and proceed to do magic - often using only one or two pieces of tape to finish the whole project. 

In keeping with the "joy of wrapping," we were asked to create a wrap for a camera, out of leather.  A wrap a little unique and with a lot of style.  Here it is!  This is made of cow-hide.  It is hand stitched around the edge for decoration.  This wrap is the perfect size for a small digital camera.  Leather, concho, and color options are available. 

See how it's WRAPPED!

How is it done???

Place the camera wrap, suede side up on a flat surface.
Put the camera in the center of the wrap.

Fold the left side of the camera wrap over the front of the camera,
leaving the camera strap out if you like.

Fold the right side snugly over the left side.

Fold the bottom of the camera wrap up.

Fold the top of the camera wrap down, like an envelope.
Wrap the thong snugly around the encased camera.
Tuck the beaded end of the thong under and through
one of the thong loops to secure it.

And this is our version of the leather camera wrap!

Size:  Fits a small digital camera.

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